Parent Resources
CENTER implementations
Enhance cleaning and sanitizing of classrooms and common areas throughout the day
Masks required for all adults entering the building
Face coverings for school-age children K-12, mask or face shield while inside the building, not during outdoor activities
Children required to wash hands upon arrival and before leaving the building
Parents encouraged to wash hands or required to use hand sanitizer at check in area
Touch-less sign in process
Parents must answer health questions at check in
Children's temperatures will be taken at arrival and throughout the day if first temperature was high 99.0
Parents asked to not enter classrooms
No child will stay in the center if these symptoms are present:
A temperature of 100 F or higher​
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
Loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
If a child/teacher/parent is suspected of or tests positive to COVID-19 we will then make arrangements to either isolate a classroom or close the entire center as advised by the Lorain County Public Health Department.
Due to our proximity to Northern Ohio Adventist Academy and their children, we will uphold their rules as well.