Should you ever force you child to say thank you? Do those two little words become a meaningless phrase when you encourage your child to say them? As we enter into the
Thanksgiving season and festivities, we might be reflecting on thankfulness. Am I raising my
child to be thankful?
Thank you. Those two little words are far from meaningless, and in fact I would wager that they mean a whole lot more than just a polite phrase. Even if you are encouraging your child to say them after they receive a gift or receiving a kind gesture. While, teaching your child manners 101 is a vital lesson, and a part of growing up I would suggest that being thankful shouldn’t be reflected upon only during the holidays. Why not make it an everyday celebration? We have so much to be thankful for. Everything from the clothes on our backs, to the food on our tables, to the times shared with family and friends.
Giving thanks isn’t exclusive to the Thanksgiving holiday alone, because every day should be a thanksgiving! Here are some simple tips to make thanksgiving an everyday practice.
1) Tell your child everyday how thankful you are to have them as your child. Children crave
affirmation, and attention. Doing this during drop off at school, or right before bed let’s
your child know that they’re very special in your eyes.
2) Mealtime gratefulness. It’s an old Thanksgiving tradition to go around the table and
share what you are thankful for. Why not make it an everyday occurrence, but have it
centered around something you are thankful for that day. This takes thankfulness
beyond the obvious things one might be thankful for but have us focus on the little
blessings we receive each day.
3) Disconnect to reconnect. I personally love this practice. Our world is so technology and
instant gratification driven. Turning off those smart devices, televisions, etc. to enjoy
time with one another without all the “noise” can make you really appreciate and focus
on what is important. Some great activities for a disconnect to reconnect would be a
walk in the park, story time, game night, etc. Be creative, have fun, and disconnect!
I hope these tips helped, and I would love to hear some of your creative tips and suggestions.
Always stay thankful!
-Amanda, Center Director